My dear friend Ofelia, how wonderful it is to see that you found the right man for you. I was proud to stand by your side when you said, “I do.” You took a big step towards your future today, and, in turn, gave me the gift of a new brother.
Old friends are great but I say college friends are even better. Ofelia and I became friends in the university. Actually before collage when we were preparing ourselves to be admitted. When we were freshmen, we were both, and some of this people sat down here, very proud and good students of the subjects: Introduction to Benchmark I, Benchmark II and etc. But Benchmark I was the best, because it was a nice wooden bench located just between the entrance of the university and the cafeteria, where everyone has to walk by. Unfortunately, two years later was removed it.
We’ve seen each other through term papers and finals, light night parties followed by early morning classes, bad boyfriend break-ups and good boyfriend make-ups, beach trips during winter break in Carolina’s beach house and bear trips to La Habana after final exams (not La Habana Cuba, but the opened-air pub called like this located near the university), first day of freshman year all the way through to graduation. It would not have been the same without you. In fact, it was better because we did it, almost, all together.
As I watch you graduate from your single life and enroll in your new term as Shawn's wife, I see a bright future ahead. From changing your name on your personal documents to joint tax returns, late night cravings to early morning feeding, silly arguments and romantic apologies, more beach trips in winter and more bear trips but in Germany, from this special day through the best graduation of all: retirement.
The reminders of this special day will be all around you: in the photo album and in the shining band you wear on your finger every day. Use these reminders a source of comfort and strength during the hard times. And let them bring a brighter smile to your faces in times of happiness.