splitting hairs
Nördlingen, Dic. 16, 2006. With the results of Family Neuhäusler's hair strand examination in a scanning electron microscope, Dr. Uli Neutron concluded today that her daughter, Francisca Lucia, will have a full and bouncy hair, similar to the one her mum has. The reason is physiological in nature - we inherited a genetic tendency toward strong or limp hair.
The first position goes to Lorena, the mother, with 90 micrometers thick hair strand. It follows her daughter with 70 micrometers, already now thicker than the hair of her dad, which is 60 micrometers thick hair strand.
Human hair diameters range from 40 micrometers to 120 micrometers. Hair texture is usually classified as follows:
Fine less than 60 micrometers
Medium 60-80 micrometers
Thick greater than 80 micrometers
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