November 23, 2006


When I met Ulrich Neuhäusler, my husband, my accomplice, in France in a party without more expectations than to drink and chat (later on he dared dancing with me Latin music in a disco for the first and last time), his first words said to me were to recommend me a German beer.
The date?
November 24th, 2001.
The consequence? Love at the first sight.

Months later, I gave him a big poster of a black and white photo taken in 1954 in Peru by a famous Swiss photojournalist, Werner Bischof.
The photo? Flute player.
The consequence? A project of Life together.

Werner Bischof died on assignment in Peru in a car accident just nine days before his second son was born and just after his 38th birthday. Fellow Magnum photographer Robert Capa died the following week.


Anonymous said...

leyendo tu blog y especialmente este post pensaba que tal vez yo no tengo una causa-efecto como tu. O al menos no lo tengo tan claro...ja,ja.
Un besote y espero sigas escribiendo mucho mas GUAPA!!!

Anonymous said...

...tengo q decir q yo pase algo asi hace poco tiempo y soy feliz q encontre algien asi romantico mucha suerte en vida, aunque no te conozco, un abrazo


Anonymous said...

Qué dulzura.
Ya me gustaría a mi vivir algo así.
Por lo menos la foto es genial.